[Download] OnePlus 7, 7T, and 7 Pro Oxygen OS 10.3.7 (Global) and 10.0.10 (EU)

Download latest oxygen os ota update for oneplus 7 7pro 7t 7tpro

OnePlus just released a new November 2020 update for the entire OnePlus 7 series with the latest Oxygen OS 10.3.7 OTA for global variants (United States) and India. The EU variants get their own update with Oxygen OS 10.0.10 for OnePlus 7 and 7 Pro. As for the EU variant of the OnePlus 7T, it gets Oxygen OS 10.0.15 with the same changelog. Although the build numbers of certain devices are different, it features the same changelog and features. Oxygen OS 10.3.7 is a minor OTA update with just the Android security level bump and GMS packages.

The latest update brings Google Security Updates from Android’s November 2020 security patches. OnePlus also updated the Google Mobile Services (i.e. the stock Google apps) to August 2020. This may save a few MBs of phone storage. There are a few system bug fixes as well. It tweaked the status bar so there’s less chance of accidental touch for the in-call button scene. Finally, fixed the possibility of a flashback issue with the Phone app.

The bi-monthly OTA update for the OnePlus 7 series is here with small changes. We are still waiting for the stable or beta Android 11 update for OnePlus 7, 7 Pro, 7T, and 7T Pro. So stay tuned as we will add the Oxygen OS 11 download links here for OnePlus 7, 7 Pro, and the 7T (Pro).

Complete changelog for November 2020 update for OnePlus 7 series:


  • Optimized the user experience of the status bar in the call scene to reduce mistouches
  • Updated GMS package to 2020.08
  • Updated Android Security Patch to 2020.11
  • Fixed small probability flashback issue with Phone app

Download Oxygen OS 10.3.7 (Global & India) and Oxygen OS 10.0.10 (EU) for OnePlus 7, 7 Pro, and 7T

Latest Oxygen OS 10.3.7 is now rolling out for the Global (US) and Indian variants for the OnePlus 7, 7 Pro, and 7T devices. On the other hand, Oxygen OS 10.0.10 is rolling out in the EU or Europe for the OnePlus 7, 7 Pro, and OOS 10.0.15 for OnePlus 7T. Here we have listed the full OTA update download zips (full stock firmware).

For OTA updates, simply go to Settings app -> System Updates -> Check for OTA updates. It will automatically download and install the updates, if  available.

Alternatively, you can also grab the full stock firmware zip from below and manually install it using local upgrade method.

OnePlus 7

  • Global/India
  • Europe
    • Full OTA to 10.0.10 | Download
    • Incremental OTA from 10.0.9 | Download

OnePlus 7 Pro

  • Global/India
    • Full OTA to 10.3.7 | Download
    • Incremental OTA from 10.3.6 | Download
  • Europe

OxygenOS 10.0.15 for the OnePlus 7T

How to install?

Wondering how to update OnePlus 7T-series device to latest Oxygen OS firmware? Simply download the full stock firmware from above and perform a local upgrade using this tutorial. As for the incremental OTA update, install using stock recovery or ADB sideload method.

Source (OnePlus 7 and 7 Pro) (OnePlus 7T)

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