Download Genshin Impact 1.5: Redeem Codes, Launch LiveStream, and more

Genshin Impact 1.5 update

Genshin Impact 1.5 update is now live. The live stream covered several areas of what’s new with Genshin Impact 1.5. The Chinese version of the launch took place before the global one and here are all the new characters, bosses, enemies, new areas, and much more.

So far, we know that Genshin Impact 1.5 will feature 2 new characters. One is YANFEI – 4 star, Pyro, Catalyst. Here are here  Skills/Stats etc.

The other one is called EULA – 5 star, Cryo, Claymore character. Here are her Skills/Stats etc. We may also see Zhongli banner in the 1.5 patch as the character has a story line.

Courtesy of YouTuber, ZealsAmbitions, you will get all the details of what’s new with the Genshin Impact 1.5 update. Checkout the complete Genshin Impact 1.5 live stream here:

Here is the English stream

What’s new with Genshin Impact 1.5 Update?

Thanks to Reddit user u/MaitieS and official reddit community for the following information. Source below.


New Events



Genshin Impact 1.5 Redeem Codes

The Genshin Impact 1.5 Redeem codes will be updated here. You can also grab them from the live stream right now! Please refresh for latest content!

Tip: Redeem Code here. Simply copy the below code and paste it in your account, without launching even you game.

Genshin Impact 1.5 English Server Redeem Codes

  • FS6SU367M279
  • 4BNSD3675J8D
  • SBNBUK67M37Z

Chinese server redeem codes

  • 2T7E9CPA7YJE

Download Genshin Impact 1.5 Update

The following download links come directly from the creators miHoYo themselves. The update is available for Android, Apple iOS, Microsoft Windows, and PS4. Here are the download links.

While you can download the APK from Play Store, and the mobile app from App Store, Windows gets a separate launcher which will automatically download and install the game.

Checkout the full downloads repository and system requirements from the official downloads repository.


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