Download Latest Nova Launcher 7 APK

When it comes to personalizing our Android devices, Nova Launcher is the go to app as it gives you tons of customization options and features that no other custom launcher can compete in the market. The third party Android launcher market is quite saturated, and yet, Nova launcher keep on giving and stays on top. With continued development and a long wait, the developer TeslaCoil Software, is about to launch the upcoming Nova Launcher v7 APK via stable channel. Meanwhile, download the latest Nova launcher beta build 7.0.35 with all the latest features.
The first thing you will notice in Nova Launcher 7 is the new welcome screen where you can customize almost everything on a single page. You can select the Theme (light or dark) and also switch to custom icons, change icon shapes and sizes. At the very bottom you can customize the desktop search bar by adding icons such as Google Assistant, Play Store, and Date as well.
In addition to this, one of the most anticipated features include extracting APK directly by holding onto the app’s icon and save to phone storage. Moreover, if you long-press the APK button you will be greeted with the Android share screen where you can send the APK file to contacts via any app. You can also now hide apps from the App Drawer!
The official changelog is as follows:
- Fix icons behind tab bar
- Fix popup menu foreground color
- Fix wrong Google Search opening wrong from search bar
- Use actual app names in Drawer Group settings
- Fix uninstalling apps not removing from Drawer Group
- Fix icons not updating after theme APK update
- Fix lag with infinite scroll
While the stable Nova Launcher 7 is about to launch, you can download and install the latest Nova Launcher beta v7.0.35 APK with the above mentioned features.
Download Nova Launcher 7 APK
Latest Nova Launcher 7 beta build 7.0.35 is now available for download. The stable version is about to launch. So stay tuned!
APK Download:
- Latest Nova Launcher 7.0.35 beta | APK download (Gdrive) | Telegram channel link
Stable Nova Launcher v6
- Download the latest Nova Launcher Beta APK (direct link)
- Download the Stable Nova Launcher APK (direct link)
Checkout all the Nova Launcher 7 features:
We will keep this post updated. So stay tuned!