Download Stable GCAM 8.4.400 APK for all Android phones | Google Camera 8.4.400 Mod APK V2

Download stable Google Camera 8.4.400 MOD APK Gcam 8.4.400 APK

Google Camera APK from the latest Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro just recently got updated with build v8.4.400. The new Gcam 8.4.400 APK features critical bug fixes, Material You visuals, revamped UI, and support for older Pixel smartphones. A hotfix for the Pixel 6 Pro device where the QR code scanner would lead to an incorrect URL was also released with Google Camera 8.4.400.

Moreover, the previous Gcam 8.4.400 Mod APK by BSG had some problems mentioned on this page. The reason as stated by the developer is that Google Camera, including the original app used on Pixel phones, connects to the internet. For instance, the animations and images on the Google Camera v8 tooltips are downloaded from Google’s servers and makes use of internet.

The BSG GCam 8.x mods released until now would, in the background, load one of BSG’s pages for downloads, help, and configs. The dev makes it clear that no user data is stored and has been fixed in the latest stable Gcam 8.4.400 APK listed below. So download the latest Gcam 8.4.400 MOD V2 by BSG below.

The latest Google Camera 8.4.400 update fixed the issue where the QR code URLs were incorrectly recognized on Android 12. the camera app would use arbitrary rules to add some random periods to URLs throwing 404 errors when you visit the links. Users also got the servers can’t be reached errors. Google reacted quickly and has already provided a fix with Gcam 8.4.400. The latest version of Google Camera doesn’t seem to have the problem anymore.

In addition to this, you get features like Magic Eraser so you can remove strangers and unwanted objects from your photos. You will also find features from the previous Google Camera 8.4. See all the features of the Google Pixel 6 Pro Camera from our previous post Gcam 8.4.200.

The best part about Gcam 8.4 is that it is a modded Google Camera app that can run on most third-party, or non-Pixel, Android smartphones. This includes smartphones from OEMs like Samsung, Xiaomi, OnePlus, Asus, Motorola, and more. This particular Gcam 8.4 MOD APK by BSG supports Android 12, 11, 10, or later.

Latest features and camera settings from Gcam 8.4.400 APK MOD

With the additional settings you get with BSG’s Gcam mod, you can customize the app as per you device. You can set the Interface ranging from Pixel 3 to Pixel 6 Pro as per your liking.

Latest Stable Gcam 8.4.400 MOD APK Download (Google Camera 8.4 APK Mod)

Following is the latest Gcam 8.4.400 MOD APK from the popular developer BSG. The developer brings Gcam 8.4 in support of Android 10 or later and can be installed on older Pixel 5, 5XL, 4, 4 XL, 3, 3XL, 2, 2 XL, OG Pixel, and even third-party Android devices.

APK Download

Previous versions:

Most of the functionalities are working. You can tweak the APK from settings > advanced settings for your Android device.

Stay tuned for Gcam 8.4 mod APK from various developers like cstark, Arnova, Parrot, BSG, Urnyx which will be available in the coming days.

Stable Gcam 8

Meanwhile, you can download the more stable Gcam 8.2.400 mod APK for any Android device. You can also install it on Android 11, 10, or even earlier versions like 9.0 Pie. Gcam 8.3 supports Android devices running Android 12, 11, 10, 9 Pie.

You can settle for the previous Gcam 8.1/8.0 mod from renowned developers as well. These are stable and have been tested working on hundreds of Android devices.

More Google Camera APK and Gcam mods:

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