Genshin Impact 3.0 Livestream, Redeem Codes, Character Banners, APK Download

Genshin Impact 3.0

The most anticipated Genshin Impact 3.0 update Special Program will live stream tomorrow, August 13, 2022, at 08:00 AM (UTC-4) on Twitch followed by the global English stream at 12:00 PM (UTC-4) on YouTube. Genshin Impact 3.0 is one of the biggest updates and is story-driven with many new characters and unlocks a new region called Sumeru.

Sumeru is one of the seven regions in Teyvat. It is the area where the Lesser Lord Kusanali, the God of Wisdom, is worshipped. It’s dangerous right now and has a threatening atmosphere about it. It is recognized for being a hub of study and is where the Sumeru Akademiya is located.

Cyno (mentioned in the webtoon and The Genshin Impact Teyvat Travail Trailer) and Collei, who accompanied him to Sumeru in the manga’s final chapters, are characters who are now known to be inside Sumeru Akademiya.

Characters that will feature in Genshin 3.0 are Tighnari, Collei, Alhaitham Traveler – Aether, Paimon, Dori, Cyno, Dehya, and Nilou Nahida.

Genshin Impact YouTube channel also put out a Sumeru preview:

Character Banners

Genshin Impact 3.0 update will feature Zhongli and Ganyu Banner reruns. As for the new characters, the 4-Star Collei and 4-Star Dori from the previous event Banner may debut alongside the 5-Star Tighnari.

  • Phase 1:
    • Tighnari (5✰) + Zhongli (5✰)
    • Collei (4✰) first banner
  • Phase 2:
    • Kokomi (5✰) + Ganyu (5✰) rerun
    • Dori (4✰) on the second banner

Starting with the Genshin Impact 2+ update, you can claim free character skins or purchase skins for your update. You also get 3 new redeem codes with each update giving you 300 Primogems or more for free; unveiled during the Genshin Impact 3.0 special event. So head over to the Redeem Code section once the special event is live for all the codes!

Genshin Impact 3.0 update also brings the long-awaited support for cross-save function among PC, mobile, and PS4 as well as PS5. Travelers will now be able to share game progress across PS5, PS4, and all other available platforms. So download and install the latest Genshin Impact 3.0 update for PC, Android, Apple iOS, and PS4 or PS5.

Genshin Impact 3.0 Special Program

Livestream the complete Genshin Impact 3.0 special program here.


Latest Genshin Impact 3.0 Redeem Codes

The Genshin Impact 3.0 Redeem codes will be listed here. Apart from the usual 3 redeem codes from the live stream, we have also listed three new Redeem Codes which still work if you haven’t already. So grab them before it gets expired!

Genshin Impact 3.0 Global Redeem Codes for EU, NA, Asia servers: (refresh page during Livestream for more codes)

Redeem codes (Global)RewardsTelegram Channel
8ANCKTWYVRD5100 Primogems, 10 Mystic Enhancement OresJoin Now!
EA7VKTFHU9VR100 Primogems, 5 Hero’s Wits Join Now!
KT7DKSFGCRWD100 Primogems, 50000 Mora Join Now!

Direct redeem links:

More working redeem codes:

  • GenshinEpic â€“ x10000 Mora, x3 SquirrelFish, x3 Northern Apple Stew
  • GenshinGalaxy â€“ x10000 Mora, x3 Hash Browns, x3 Northern Smoked Chicken
  • GENSHINGIFT â€“ 50 primogems and three hero’s wit

Where to redeem Genshin Impact Codes? (No game login required)

Login to the MiHoYo website and paste the Redeem Code here. Simply copy the below code and paste it into your account, without even launching your game.

Genshin Impact 3.0 APK Download

Genshin Impact 3.0 downloads are live for all platforms including Android, iOS, PS5, PS4, Windows PC, and more. Pre-download the latest 3.0 update and start playing when the servers are live.

While you can download the APK from Play Store, and the mobile app from App Store, Windows gets a separate launcher that will automatically download and install the game.

APK Download

Genshin Impact downloads for Android smartphones, TVs, Tablets, Boxes. It also works on Android emulators like Bluestacks and WSA (Windows Subsystem for Android) for PC in all languages. The APKS is for compatibility with all Android devices.

Downloads from the App Stores

Join our Telegram Channel for latest content (Join Now)

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Check out the full downloads repository and system requirements from the official downloads repository.

How to download Genshin Impact 3.0 Update?

If you are a Windows user, you can download the Genshin Impact 2.7 update before its official release.

  • Download and install the latest game launcher from above.
  • Open the game launcher.
  • Click on the settings or gear icon on the right sidebar.
  • Go to Game Updates.
  • Download the latest update.

PC: Close the game, open the Genshin Impact Launcher, and click Update.
iOS: Open the App Store and tap Update.
Android: Open the game and follow the directions on-screen.
PS5 and PS4: Highlight Genshin Impact from the Home Screen, press the OPTIONS button and select “Check for Update.”
Please do not hesitate to contact Customer Service if you encounter any issues installing the new version. We will do our very best to resolve the issue.

Join Telegram Channel.

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