WhatsApp adds HD Photos and Videos Sharing Feature [APK Download]

Download WhatsApp with HD Photos and Videos Sharing

WhatsApp is testing a new HD feature for sharing photos and videos in high resolution. The feature will be accompanied by an “HD” button that allows users to select the photo quality when sending images. Users will soon be able to share HD videos, but that feature will be implemented in the future. Download the latest WhatsApp APK to enable the HD photo and video sharing feature.

WhatsApp just added support for sharing HD photos through the messaging app, enhancing the quality of shared images for users. This announcement was made by Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg via his Facebook post.

This is a highly requested feature as many Android users complained about the heavily compressed images received when images were sent via WhatsApp. Many also resorted to sending images as document attachments for full quality. Selecting the HD option will fix this issue.

To access the new HD photo feature, users need to update their WhatsApp app to the latest beta version. Upon doing so, a new “HD” button becomes visible at the top of the photo-sharing screen, located alongside other image editing tools like rotation, text addition, and stickers.

Upon tapping the “HD” button, a pop-up appears, offering users the option to choose photo quality. The default setting is “Standard Quality,” selected to ensure swift and reliable photo sharing. However, users now have the choice to opt for “HD Quality,” which preserves the high-definition version of the photo.

Once an HD photo is sent, the recipient will notice an “HD” label in the bottom-left corner of the image, indicating that a higher-quality image has been shared. Importantly, all photos shared through WhatsApp are protected via the app’s robust end-to-end encryption.

WhatsApp also considers users with low bandwidth connectivity. If a photo is received under such circumstances, recipients can decide on a photo-by-photo basis whether to stick with the standard version or upgrade it to HD quality.

Download WhatsApp APK

The WhatsApp HD photo-sharing feature is available via the latest Beta channel. So download the WhatsApp Messenger beta or later from below or enroll in the beta program from the following link.

WhatsApp beta downloads:

The easiest way is to enroll in the beta program and then download the new update via Play Store. If the beta is full, download the APK below.

APK Download

This is the universal APK that works on arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64 devices.

That’s it. Enjoy your new WhatsApp.

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