Download Google Pixel Camera 9.4 APK

Pixel Camera 9.4 APK Download at

Update: New Google Pixel Camera APK is now available for download with Pixel 9 Pro features. It is a simple APK file and not a bundle app.

Google rolled out April 2024 Pixel Update for their smartphones featuring the latest security updates, new camera app, and system stability. The update is majorly a camera upgrade, fixing a bunch of critical bugs users have been facing. We now have the latest Pixel Camera v9.4.103.641377609.23 available for download.

Google’s quarterly Pixel Feature Drop rolled out to the Pixel lineup and it packs new features for the Pixel Camera app, formerly called Google Camera. While Pixel 8 series gets Gemini Nano AI via developers options, Pixel Watch gets Car Crash Detection. But there is something for all Pixel devices. The Pixel Camera 9.4 is now available for download with two great features.

Google Pixel Camera 9.4 now lets you manually select which camera lens to use in the main Photo mode, ranging from Ultrawide, Wide, to Telephoto. Another great feature is the automatic selection of the portrait photo. The camera will identify the best photo so you don’t need to retake photos every time.

Google published a blogpost showcasing all the changes related to the Pixel feature drop from June 2024. Google also posted a video for the same. Read more below.

Previous Pixel Camera 9.3 features:

  • Fix for camera stability under certain conditions when switching between different zooms.
  • Fix for issue with black halo artifacts appearing under certain conditions in the viewfinder upon transitioning from photo to video mode at 1x zoom.
  • Fix for issue where users are unable to re-expose image after tapping anywhere on the viewfinder.

The Pixel Camera, also known as Google Camera, got updated to version 9.3 featuring 10-bit HDR Video as well as Ultra HDR Photo. This feature has been integrated into the official Instagram app, giving your social media photos and videos dynamic range and depth.

Where to find Video Boost Feature on Pixel Camera? Read all about Pixel Camera 9.2 features here.

Pixel Camera Features from June 2024 Drop

The June 2024 Pixel Feature Drop for Pixel lineup brings Gemini Nano for Pixel 8 series and some new camera features. It also bumped the Pixel Camera version to 9.4.

Select Best Photo

The Pixel camera is now smarter and automatically detects the best photo from your HDR+ photos with a single shutter press. This ensures that your face is in focused and smiling, making photo capturing quick and easy.

Pixel camera can now automatically identify the best photo in HDR+
Pixel camera can now automatically identify the best photo in HDR+

Manual Camera Lens Selection

The Pixel camera now allows you to manually select which lens to use when taking photos. Select from Wide, Ultrawide, or Telephoto. This provides greater control over your photography, enabling you to capture the perfect shot every time.

Pixel Camera 9.4 manual camera lens selection
Pixel Camera 9.4 manual camera lens selection

Download Pixel Camera 9.4 APK

Update: New Pixel Camera APK is now available for download with Pixel 9 Pro features. It is a simple APK file and not a bundle app.

Here download the latest Pixel Camera 9.4 (arm64-v8a) (nodpi) (Android 14+) APK extracted directly from the Play Store.

Starting with Android 11, Google released apps in Split APKs (multiple APKs) format. This means the app is split into several packages including the base and config APK files. This solves the compatibility issue and helps install apps like the Google Camera APK on any Android device featuring different dpi, screen resolution, screen size, architecture, and more.

Hence, the package size also increases. The previous Google Camera APK we listed weighed a whopping 540 MB in size before installation.

APK Download

How to install Pixel Camera on your Android device manually?

  • Download the Google Camera APKs file to phone storage.
  • Extract it if it is a zip file.
  • Download and install either SAI (direct download SAI-4.5.apk) or the Apktool M installer. Direct link Apktool_M_v2.4.0.
  • Launch Apktool M and locate the GCAM APKs file.
  • Select the file and click install.
  • Select all the options.
  • Launch the game and enjoy!

GCAM 9.4 APK Download

Here we have the latest Gcam 9.2 MOD APK from various developers like BSG, cstark, Arnova, Parrot. So stay tuned while the development takes place in real-time. This will support Android 13, 12, 11, or earlier.

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