Claude AI 3.5 Sonnet Android App Now Available on Play Store [APK Download]

Claude AI Sonnet 3.5 mobile app download

Anthropic recently introduced Claude 3.5 Sonnet, the latest addition to their impressive lineup of AI language models. This release is directly competing with OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Google’s Gemini AI Advanced. According to reports, Claude AI is better than ChatGPT-4o (omni) and Gemini Pro in most cases. Especially in coding with the new Claude 3.5’s Artifacts feature. Claude AI mobile app is now available for download on Play Store for Android and Apple App Store for iPhones.

The release of Claude 3.5 Sonnet has high intelligence, faster performance, and advanced capabilities across text, code, and vision. This model even has business centric features like enhancing customer support and accelerating software development via code co-pilot and facilitating team collaboration.

Claude 3.5 Sonnet Features

Anthropic’s Claude 3.5 Sonnet outperforms ChatGPT and Gemini in many aspects. According to their blogpost,

1. Intelligence

Claude 3.5 outperforms not only its predecessor, Claude 3 Opus, but also competitor models across a wide range of evaluations. This leap in capability is particularly evident in:

  • Graduate-level reasoning (GPQA) score of 59.4%
  • Undergraduate-level knowledge (MMLU) 88.7%
  • Coding proficiency (HumanEval) 92%

The model demonstrates a marked improvement in grasping nuance, humor, and complex instructions. For content creators and businesses alike, this translates to an AI assistant capable of producing high-quality, relatable content with a natural tone.

2. Faster and Cost Efficient Model

Claude 3.5 Sonnet is focused on speed and cost efficiency. It operates at twice the pace of Claude 3 Opus. This model brings a new level of efficiency to complex tasks such as:

  • Context-sensitive customer support
  • Orchestrating multi-step workflows
  • Real-time content generation and analysis

This performance boost, combined with cost-effective pricing, makes Claude 3.5 Sonnet an attractive option for business operations and productivity.

3. Advanced Coding Capabilities

In an internal agentic coding evaluation, Claude 3.5 Sonnet showcased its prowess by solving 64% of problems, a significant improvement over Claude 3 Opus’s 38% success rate. This evaluation tested the model’s ability to:

  • Fix bugs in existing code
  • Add new functionality to open-source codebases
  • Interpret natural language descriptions of desired improvements

When provided with the necessary tools and instructions, Claude 3.5 Sonnet can independently write, edit, and execute code with sophisticated reasoning and troubleshooting capabilities. This makes it an invaluable asset for:

  • Updating legacy applications
  • Migrating codebases
  • Streamlining software development processes

4. Vision Intelligence

Claude 3.5 Sonnet isn’t just about text and code. It also boasts state-of-the-art vision capabilities. This enhanced visual intelligence opens up new possibilities for industries such as:

  1. Retail
  2. Logistics
  3. Financial services

The model excels at tasks requiring visual reasoning, such as interpreting charts and graphs. Moreover, it can accurately transcribe text from imperfect images, a crucial ability in many real-world scenarios where AI needs to extract insights from both visual and textual data.

5. Artifacts is a New Way to Collaborate with AI

Alongside Claude 3.5 Sonnet, Anthropic has unveiled a ground-breaking feature called Artifacts on Claude AI. This addition transforms how users interact with the AI, creating a dynamic workspace where:

  • AI-generated content appears in a dedicated window alongside the conversation (on the right)
  • Users can see, edit, and build upon Claude’s creations in real-time
  • Seamless integration of AI-generated content into projects and workflows is possible

Note: Once on the Claude AI website, enable the Artifacts option and it will show on the new conversations. Toggle it to On.

Artifacts features:

Ask Claude to generate content like code snippets, text documents, or website designs, and Claude will create an Artifact that appears in a dedicated window alongside your conversation.

Checkout Claude Artifacts in action:

YouTube video

Download Claude AI APK (Android)

Claude AI app is already available on the App Store for iPhones. The Claude 3.5 Sonnet app is rolling out on the Play Store for Android phones via beta channel. However, it’s only available in select countries. We will list the APK below soon. So stay tuned.

Meanwhile, visit the Play Store link and sign up for beta and download from the Play Store link below. Copy and paste the link in browser.

  • Beta testing
  • Stable

Claude AI for iPhones from Apple App Store

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