ChatGPT to let Continue Conversations on Web, Temperature Reports, and Advanced Voice for Free
![ChatGPT to let Continue Conversations on Web, Temperature Reports, and Advanced Voice for Free 1 New ChatGPT update APK Breakdown v1.2024.240 by unveils comprehensive Weather Icons, 9 New Voices, and Search Results v1.2024.240 [APK Breakdown]](
Open AI introduced two new ChatGPT models this year — ChatGPT-4o and 4o Mini, with capabilities like Advanced Voice Mode and Video Chat mode features. You may soon be able to enjoy the most-awaited advanced voice mode for free! The latest ChatGPT update just dropped with build v1.2024.253 featuring temperature reporting, continue conversations on web, introduction of nine new voices, and more.
In the previous update, we revealed ChatGPT added comprehensive weather icons, 9 new voices, and Search Results, possibly related to SearchGPT. The latest version just rolled out to beta channel with build v1.2024.253 adding more features like adding Temperature code in both Fahrenheit and Celsius. The complete weather reporting comes closer to being a reality.
If you’ve been following our APK Breakdown series, you know that we’ve revealed a lot of new things in the ChatGPT app, like Trigger word shortcuts for turning on Voice Mode and Vision Mode. This could mean you can turn on voice or vision hands-free. Similar to Google Gemini.
APK Breakdown, commonly known as APK Teardown, is a thorough examination of Android application packages (APK) to uncover hidden features, upcoming changes, and potential future developments. This series dives deep into the code and resources of popular Android apps, offering insights that go beyond what’s visible on the surface.
Complete Weather Reporting with Temperature Feature
We found a comprehensive set of Weather Icons. This is the first time we saw several icons related to weather and day/night embedded in the code. The icons range from rain, snow, cloudy, sunny, etc.
Upon digging further, we found the icon sets in both day mode and night mode. While we don’t know what these could mean, but it can be related to weather reports integrated in ChatGPT in the future.

The latest v1.2024.253 take it to the next level by adding Temperature reporting. Here is the code we found in the latest update.
<public type=”string” name=”temperature”/>
<public type=”string” name=”degrees_celsius”/>
<public type=”string” name=”degrees_fahrenheit”/>
Continue conversation on web
ChatGPT may let you continue conversation on web like in the browser signed in with the same account. Although browsers don’t support voice chat, the text chat may be continued seamlessly. We found the following code in the latest APK.
<public type=”string” name=”conversation_continue_on_web”/>
Advanced Voice for Free Users?
ChatGPT’s most anticipated advanced voice mode may come to free users. The following code adv_voice_title_free suggests that OpenAI may be testing advanced voice mode for free users as well. Currently, the new voice mode is under closed beta testing mode.
<public type=”string” name=”disclosure_adv_voice_subheading_free”/>
<public type=”string” name=”disclosure_adv_voice_subheading_plus”/>
<public type=”string” name=”disclosure_adv_voice_title_free”/>
<public type=”string” name=”disclosure_adv_voice_title_plus”/>
Search Results
If you don’t already know, OpenAI is working on SearchGPT, their new AI search engine. The latest build v1.2024.240 finally adds a new Search Results code to it. This could possibly be an inclusion of the search engine for the internal testers.
<public type=”string” name=”search_results”/>
Another code suggesting SearchGPT is related to conversations with search and without search.
<public type=”string” name=”conversations_regenerate_with_search” />
<public type=”string” name=”conversations_regenerate_without_search” />
Nine New ChatGPT Voices
After all the controversy with the current voices, especially the Sam and Juniper voices, Open AI is finally working on nine new voices for ChatGPT. The voice mode has become quite popular after its launch and the addition of new voices is a great feature to have.
One Twitter account showcased new ChatGPT voices.
How to download ChatGPT update?
The latest beta version of ChatGPT v1.2024.253 introduces can be downloaded by signing up to be a beta tester and updating officially from the App Store.